Justin Phillips Justin Phillips

A long overdue update

I’m terrible with updating my blog. The music’s been keeping me pretty preoccupied this year. I’ve been working on a lot of various projects both for my solo music as well as for my band, The Honest Envy. In April, my band released the first single from our upcoming EP that’s coming out in late August. The song is called “Dream”. In June, I released a cover of one of my favorite Nine Inch Nails songs, “Terrible Lie”. It’s diametrically different from the original in the best way possible. You can stream the song by clicking right here.

Today, I’m excited to announce that I’ll be releasing a new EP in two weeks on August 13th. The EP, “Sitka Spruce” consists of 3 acoustic versions of songs I’ve released this past year and a brand new song that’s acoustic as well. It truly was a labor of love and couldn’t be more proud of how it turned out. Click here to pre-order/pre-save it. If you don’t see your streaming service on there, don’t fret. The second I receive the links, I’ll be sure to update the Hyperfollow page.

I’m well into the recording process for albums 13 and 14, but I’m in no rush to complete them. I’ve been pushing myself creatively and experimenting with new sounds which has been so much fun. For The Honest Envy, my bandmate Cole and I have been diligently recording our second full-length album. We have around 5-6 songs in various forms of completion and another 5-6 songs worth of material mapped out. What we’ve been working on varies in genres and it all sounds amazing.

I have two shows scheduled for August: August 13th at MontaVino Winery in Kalispell and August 27th at Glacier Sun Winery in Kalispell. I hope you’ve all been having a nice, safe summer. I’ll try my best to check in here more regularly.

Take care,

- Justin

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Justin Phillips Justin Phillips

New song, “Counting the Days”, available now!

Today's the day! My new single, "Counting the Days", is now available to stream and purchase wherever you get your music I put in a great deal of time, effort, heart and soul into writing and recording this song. It really is unlike anything I've made before in the best way possible. Click here to find the song on your preferred streaming service. Enjoy!

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Justin Phillips Justin Phillips

It’s been a minute.

The title for this blog entry says it all. I’m terrible with updating things like this. Since my last update, I released my album, “It’s All Good”. The feedback for it was overwhelmingly positive. I’ve performed a few shows here and there over the last few months. I also came down with COVID-19 last month. Thankfully, I’m doing alright now. Please continue to wear a mask and practice social distancing, people.

Currently, I’m in the recording process for a few projects. One of them is a follow-up to an instrumental album I released in 2014. I have about 6 songs recorded for that so far. Over the last many months, I’ve been recording new music for my side project, The Honest Envy. It’ll be our first batch of new music in almost 9 years! We’re taking our time putting everything together, but the songs sound great so far. Last week, I started recording a song that will be on my next album. I hope to release it as the first single at some point in early 2021 as a sneak peek of what’s to come.

Last bit of news. Today, I uploaded a playlist on Spotify of my favorite songs that were released this year. 2020 may have been a crap year, but the music that’s come out of it has been incredible. Feel free to give the playlist a listen: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Me0johzoz6imSWlA9F2CM?si=HJhltZkeSMuklK5KJu3PTw

I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe and healthy and I hope this holiday season is bringing you joy, love and light.

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Justin Phillips Justin Phillips

“It’s All Good”

“It’s all good”. I’ve said that a lot in my life. I say “it’s all good” when someone disappoints me, lets me down or doesn’t show up when plans are made. I say that even though I feel the exact opposite so I don’t make them feel bad. I knowingly say it at my expense. I also say “it’s all good” when things are genuinely going well in my life. It just made sense to name my new album that because it truly covers both ends of that spectrum.

This is my 12th(!) album, but it honestly feels like it’s my first. I’ve always envisioned my music to have the sound of a full band, but for most of my musical career, I wasn’t able to make that happen until now. Drums, electric guitars, harmonies, etc. I performed every instrument myself. I mixed and mastered everything as well. Throughout the month long recording process, there were a few instances where I felt like I was onto something great that had the potential to make waves.

From the hopeful optimism of “A New Year” to the polished grit of “Incapable”, the country-esque vibes of “The Same Old Ghosts”, the unbridled joy of “Dancing in the Downpour”, the power pop energy of “Sweet Serenity” and “My Heart, My Everything”, the intensity of “The Storm”, the rise and fall of “Summer (Instrumental)” and the Jimmy Eat World-like album closer “Dissociate”, this album has something for everyone. I put my everything into these 9 songs. “Incapable” is the first single and will be available to stream on Friday. You’ll also be able to preorder and presave the album on iTunes, Spotify, Bandcamp, and wherever else you get your music. The album itself will come out on October 2nd. I’ll also have my album release show happening the same day over at Glacier Sun Winery.

I aimed for the stars with this record, and can only hope you’ll see and feel that when you listen to it.

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Justin Phillips Justin Phillips

A long time coming.

After 13+ years of being a professional musician, I finally got around to setting up a website. It’s something I should have done a long time ago, but better late than never. Do people still read blog posts on websites? I’ll do my best to periodically check in and post updates here, especially considering I have a new album coming out very soon. In the coming days, I’ll announce the album title, artwork, track listing and more. Stay tuned!

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